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Un nutrito gruppo di appassionati di nautica visita con entusiasmo lo stand di Cranchi Yachts al Cannes Yachting Festival

Every month a voyage into the world of Cranchi Yachts

Non lasciarti sfuggire notizie e aggiornamenti sui nostri eventi, dettagli e anticipazioni sui nuovi modelli, approfondimenti esclusivi sulle tecniche di costruzione dei nostri yacht: iscriviti ora alla nostra newsletter e dai un'occhiata qui di seguito agli ultimi numeri. Buona lettura e buon viaggio! Don't miss news and updates on our events, details and previews of new models, exclusive insights into the construction techniques of our yachts. Subscribe to our newsletter now and take a look at the latest issues below.

Happy reading and enjoy the journey!

New opportunities to discover the Sessantadue 62
The Cranchi Sessantadue 62 is the European Powerboat of the Year
January Events
Watch the videos of the new Cranchi Yachts models
Our new website is online
More than just a boat show – a genuine experience
Discover the new digital ecosystems on board our yachts
A cool, personal oasis
Here is the presentation video of the Sessantadue 62
Less than a month to the presentation of the Sessantadue 62
Watch the launch of the Sessantasette 67 Corsa
New Sessantasette 67 Corsa: the countdown begins

Every month a voyage into the world of Cranchi Yachts

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